• 613-332-3767
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Types of Membership 2024-2025

*Adult Member - 1 Draw - Unlimited leagues - $270 (plus $50 CAF)

An adult member can curl for 1 draw (7 weeks) in unlimited leagues of your choice.
Please note:  This membership will also be charged an additional annual $50 Capital Assessment Fee in the registration process.
10 volunteer work hours are required with this membership.
To be excluded from commiting to volunteer hours, please pay the appropriate Volunteer Opt Out fee in Membership Options during registration.

*Adult Member - 2 Draws - Unlimited leagues - $400 (plus $50 CAF)

An adult member can curl for 2 draws (14 weeks) in unlimited leagues of your choice in each draw.
Please note:  This membership will also be charged an additional annual $50 Capital Assessment fee in the registration process.
20 volunteer work hours are required with this membership.
To be excluded from commiting to volunteer hours, please pay the appropriate Volunteer Opt Out fee in Membership Options during registration.

*Adult Member - 3 Draws (full season) - Unlimited leagues - $440 (plus $50 CAF)

An adult member can curl for 3 draws (21 weeks) in unlimited leagues of your choice for each draw.
Please note:  This membership will also be charged an additional annual $50 Capital Assessment fee in the registration process.
20 volunteer work hours are required with this membership.
To be excluded from commiting to volunteer hours, please pay the appropriate Volunteer Opt Out fee in Membership Options during registration.

*Adult - New to our Club - Experienced Curler - 1 Draw - Unlimited leagues - $250 (plus $50 CAF)

This is a one time incentive for an adult experienced curler to curl for 1 draw (7 weeks) in unlimited leagues of your choice.
This experienced adult curler has not been a member of the Bancroft Curling Club in the last 5 years. 
Please note:  This membership will also be charged an additional annual $50 Capital Assessment fee in the registration process.
10 volunteer work hours are required with this membership.
To be excluded from commiting to volunteer hours, please pay the appropriate Volunteer Opt Out fee in Membership Options during registration.

*Adult - New to our Club - Experienced Curler - 2 or 3 Draws - Unlimited leagues - $375 (plus $50 CAF)

This is a one time incentive for an adult experienced curler to curl for 2 or 3 draws (up to 21 weeks) in unlimited leagues of your choice for each draw.
This experienced adult curler has not been a member of the Bancroft Curling Club in the last 5 years.
Please note:  This membership will also be charged an additional annual $50 Capital Assessment fee in the registration process.
10 volunteer work hours are required with this membership.
To be excluded from commiting to volunteer hours, please pay the appropriate Volunteer Opt Out fee in Membership Options during registration.

*Learn to Curl Program - during Draws 1 and 2 and League participation in Draw 3 - $240 (plus $50 CAF)

14 weeks of Learn To Curl training and participation in Draw 3 for a total of 21 weeks of curling - a full season.
Please note:  This membership will also be charged an additional annual $50 Capital Assessment fee in the registration process.10 volunteer work hours are required with this membership.
To be excluded from commiting to volunteer hours, please pay the appropriate Volunteer Opt Out fee in Membership Options during registration.

*Capital Assessment Fee (CAF)
The above memberships will be charged a Capital Assessment fee of $50, in order to fund our purchase of equipment for building maintenance. 

Social Member - $100

A social membership allows for sparing privileges.
If a social member wishes to spare, the sparing policy applies, with fees.
A social member is allowed to vote at general meetings and elections.
The volunteer work hours policy is not required (but appreciated) with this membership.

Junior Member - Ages 17 to 20 (enrolled in education program) - Unlimited leagues - $125

A Junior member must be 17 to 20 years of age, and enrolled in a full time educational program.
Junior members are eligible to curl during regular league play with adult curlers.
Junior members are eligible to vote at meetings if 18 years of age or older.
20 volunteer work hours are required with this membership.
To be excluded from commiting to volunteer hours, please pay the appropriate Volunteer Opt Out fee of Junior Fee in Membership Options during registration.

Draw Dates:
Draw 1:  Tuesday, October 15 - Friday November 29, 2024
Draw 2:  Monday, December 2, 2024 - Friday, January 31, 2025 (Holiday break:  Dec. 23, 2024 - Jan. 3, 2025)
Draw 3: Monday, February 3 - Friday, March 21, 2025.

Little Rocks - Ages 5 to 12 - $60 - full season

Little Rocks is for curlers of the ages 5 to 12.  
Little Rocks program usually runs on Sundays from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
The volunteer work hours are not required with this membership.

Bantam - Ages 13 to 16 - $80 - full season

A Bantam membership is for curlers of the ages 13 to 16.
Bantam program usually runs on Sundays from 1:30 to 3 p.m. (at the same time as the Little Rocks program).
The volunteer work hours are not required with this membership.








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Upcoming Events

  • May
    Pickleball Clinic - 3 Types
    09:00 AM
  • May
    Pickleball Meet and Greet
    05:00 PM
  • May
    06:00 PM
  • May
    09:00 AM
  • May
    06:00 PM
  • May
    09:00 AM
  • Jun
    Pickleball Tournament - Beginners
    09:00 AM
  • Jul
    Pickleball Tournament - Mixed Doubles
    09:00 AM

Our Sponsors

Contact Us

63 Newkirk Blvd, P.O. Box 1214
Bancroft, Ontario K0L 1C0

Phone: 613-332-3767

Email: [email protected] 


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